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9 Breakfast Tools That Will Make Your Morning Routine Infinitely More Fun

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I’m sure we’ve heard that plenty of times. As Malaysians, we have a wealth of breakfast options. Nasi lemak, wanton mee, roti canai, roti bakar, fried bihun, these are all breakfast classics. However, given the current pandemic, it’s better to stay at home and make your own breakfast. 

But that doesn’t mean having to settle for cereal every morning! Thanks to these handy , you can make breakfast fit for a king without a hassle! Check them out! 

1. This manual juice squeezer that gives you fresh juice in an instant

Image credit: Shopee

Starting your day with a freshly-squeezed cup of orange juice is truly a blessing. However, store-bought orange juice that comes in a carton can be filled with high levels of sugar. This can make it extremely unhealthy. Instead, try making your own orange (or other citrus fruits) juice from scratch with this handy juice squeezer! 

It is made with aluminium alloy, making it durable but light, and resistant to rust. It features a juice bowl to catch the juice and a separate compartment to catch any seeds. A v-shaped filter at the end then makes it easy to pour the freshly squeezed juice into a cup. Easy, quick, and so nutritious! Definitely one of the most essential to have in your cabinet! 

2. A French press for those who can’t live without their morning coffee

Image credit: Shopee

As refreshing as orange juice can be, some of us prefer a fresh cup of coffee in the morning. In fact, you could say that some of us can’t function without our morning cup of joe. If you’re tired of 3-in-1 instant coffee and want a quick, easy, and affordable way to brew your own coffee, get a French press. 

It is intuitively easy to use. All you need to do is put your coffee grounds into the French press, add in hot or boiling water, then press down on the plunger. The filter screen pushes the coffee grounds to the bottom while aromatic coffee passes through into the main container (called a carafe). 

Also read: Top 8 Online Stores & Roasteries To Buy Coffee in Malaysia

3. An all-in-one multi-section frying pan to save time cleaning up

Image credit: Shopee

Who doesn’t like the occasional full American or English breakfast? Fried sunny side up eggs, sausage, bacon, a couple of slices of toast, it’s a truly indulgent feast fit for kings. The downside to it? It’s a lot of cooking and a lot of cleaning up afterward. 

Thankfully, inventions like this all-in-one exist. Featuring three separate compartments, it allows you to cook different things at the same time without having to switch pans or reuse a dirty one. It also keeps the food from touching each other so your breakfast is picture-perfect all the time. What’s more, it works on both induction cookers and gas stoves! 

4.  Or this stone that gives your food perfect char marks

Image credit: Shopee

Alternatively, try this version by Ecowin. A kitchenware expert since the 70s, this stone has three compartments, including a main grill compartment which you can use to make perfectly charred toast. Might I suggest adding garlic herb butter for toasty garlic bread?

Non-stick and scratch-resistant, this pan also works on different types of stovetops. It comes with a heat-resistant handle for a durable grip and its stone material helps evenly distribute heat, helping you cook a top-notch breakfast in a short amount of time. 

5. A frying pan that lets you fry four eggs at once

Image credit: Shopee

If three compartments are not enough, why not FOUR? Although this design somewhat limits the kinds of things you can use it for, it certainly comes in handy when making breakfast for the family. For one, you can use it to make four sunny-side-up eggs at once!

Aside from being one of the best , this pan can also be used to prepare a delicious lunch or dinner for one. Using the different compartments, you can cook up to four different dishes at the same time. Personally, I think it’s the perfect tool for making bento lunch boxes but feel free to experiment yourself and see what you can come up with! 

6. This multi-function oven that can make you a three-course meal

Image credit: Shopee

If you’re looking for something even easier than a multi-function pan, try this nifty oven instead. It has three distinct functions that can: Make you a cup of coffee, bake you some sweet treats, and it even has a small frying pan on top! 

This is the perfect breakfast tool for those who enjoy an easy morning breakfast. Simply pop your food in the oven and let it cook itself. It’s suitable for tarts, pies, and even for steaming dim sum! This is truly one of the most versatile you can buy online! 

7. This that makes crispy breakfast waffles

Image credit: Shopee

Waffles for breakfast are truly a real treat reserved for special occasions. And we all know that the best way to make a fluffy but waffle with a crisp exterior is to use a handy ! This portable machine guarantees the perfect waffle every time, and it’s so easy to store and use! 

In addition to traditional waffles, it can also be used to “waffle” almost anything. From pizzas and doughnuts and even fries (I do not recommend it though), it’s actually a pretty versatile tool! 

8. A versatile electric pan that’s perfect for pancakes

Image credit: Shopee

Other than waffles, another sweet breakfast that I enjoy is pancakes. Unfortunately, I don’t get to make them that often because making pancakes in a frying pan can sometimes be difficult, especially if your pan is non-stick. This electric pan makes it so much easier. Featuring a flat, open-top griddle, it’s the perfect tool to make pancakes in the morning. You can also use it to make crepes, omelettes, and roti canai! You can also use it to make Korean BBQ! 

9. This portable that makes the tastiest breakfast sandwich

Image credit: Shopee

Finally, if all you want for breakfast is a hearty, nutritious sandwich, then this portable will be your best buy this year! Not only does it feature non-stick plates, but it also has double-sided heating that cooks everything evenly. All you need is three minutes (more or less)!

It’s also super portable so it’s easy to store and bring on vacations too! 

Start your day with a hearty meal

And there you have it: nine useful and fun that will make your morning meals that much more interesting! Personally, I like the French press and stone the best. After all, what can beat a cup of hot coffee paired with a full English breakfast? All that’s left to do now is to simply dig in! 

Also read: 11 Home Appliances You Can Buy Online to Make Staying At Home Less Stressful


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About Author


Darren enjoys travelling, photography and good food. He loves cultural experiences and exciting adventures and is no stranger to travelling alone. When he's not putting his travel experiences into words, he's probably sitting behind his laptop, planning his upcoming adventure.

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