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10 Best Computer Mouse For Work From Home and Gaming

Whether it’s to completing work from home tasks or hopping into a game of DOTA to chill out, Malaysians have been on their computers way more than normal this year. Because of this, I’m sure many of us have come to the realisation that a good quality computer mouse is of the utmost importance. 

Of course, if it’s your first time, you might be wondering which computer mouse you should get. Don’t worry because we’ve listed our top picks for computer mouses that are perfect for both work from home tasks and gaming! 

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Budget-friendly computer mouse

1. This that comes in different shades of awesome

Image credit: Shopee

Sometimes what you really want is a that both feels great to use and also looks amazing. This wireless optical mouse not only comes with a USB receiver, but it also enables Bluetooth connectivity. 

This enables you to easily pair your mouse to multiple devices and switch between them when you need to. It works on desktops, laptops, and even certain smartphones and tablets! 

2. A bedazzling from HP

A isn’t just good for gaming. Even if you’re not an avid League of Legends or Valorant player, a is a good investment. This is especially so when it’s as affordable as this model! 

The mouse features a stable optical engine that increases the precision in your movement and clicks. What’s more, like most s, it features an ergonomic design that stabilises your hand and reduces hand fatigue. This makes it perfect for those who work from home for long hours on a computer. As an added bonus, it also has some lovely LED lighting effects too! 

3. This minimalistic Logitech mouse that’s perfect for remote working

Image credit: Shopee

Logitech is a tried and tested brand when it comes to computer accessories. Logitech mouses in particular have always had an incredible reputation for being durable and awesome to use. The Pebble M350 Wireless Mouse is perhaps one of the best choices for those who prefer working on the go. 

Weighing only 100g, this fits perfectly in most pockets, making it a truly portable device. It features a smooth oval shape and even comes with a mute button so you can turn off all distractions with just a button. As a bonus, it also comes in different shades of colour! 

4. An Alcatroz that’s fit for any budget

Alcatroz is one of the lesser-known brands on the market. Despite this, it has long held a reputation for pushing out quality gaming peripherals and this is no exception. 

The Alcatroz Airmouse features a robust design that is optimised for precision and performance. Featuring both white and black colours, the Airmouse is one of those s that doubles up as a work mouse and is easily one of the most affordable s on the market. 

5. These colourful T-Wolf mouses that will surely catch the eye

Image credit: Shopee

T-Wolf is another lesser-known brand that is known for their mechanical s. That being said, the T-Wolf Q2 series is more suited for day-to-day office tasks thanks to its ergonomic design and silent clicking. 

However, the most eye-catching aspect of the T-Wolf Q2 is the vibrant colours the mouses come in. Featuring bright red and pastel pink among other colours, you can find one that suits your style for sure! 

Midrange to high-end computer mouse

6. The truly dependable Logitech M337

Image credit: Shopee

And here we are again with a mouse from Logitech! Speaking of vibrant colours, the M337 comes in a multitude of unique colours and tones that are just so pleasing to the eye. In terms of functionality, the M337 is arguably one of the best all-rounder mouses on the market. 

Whether it’s to complete your work from home tasks or for a casual game of Counter-Strike, the M337 delivers on all fronts. It features dual connectivity (wireless and Bluetooth) and comes with an ergonomic design that is built for comfort. 

7. One of Malaysia’s most widely used s

Gaming Freak is probably one of the most well-known brands in Malaysia for PC gaming peripherals. It offers some of the most affordable s and keyboards but also delivers big time in terms of quality and usability. 

The Gaming Freak FX3 features a rustic design and offers ultra-precision. More importantly, like most high-quality s, it has a switch life of 5 million clicks! You can go click on PopCat for ages and there wouldn’t be a problem! 

8. My personal favourite from Armaggeddon 

Image credit: Shopee

Armaggedon is one of the most reputable brands when it comes to high-quality gaming peripherals. Their mouses are especially fantastic, be it for passionate gamers or for those who are in the market for a reliable . 

My current mouse is the Armaggeddon Mikoyan Foxbat III, and I can confirm it works like a charm. Not only does it feature intricate designs on the top, it also comes with six programmable buttons. I use them mainly to switch between tabs and to control the volume on my computer. If you’re looking for a well-rounded , I highly recommend this model. 

9. This beautiful mouse with a unique honeycomb design

Image credit: Shopee

If you’re looking for a mouse that will stand out in every possible way, the DailyTech BM600 is your top choice. From the get to, you will realise that this features a unique honeycomb design on the top. Not only does it look special, it also provides for a more comfortable grip. 

It also comes with a stunning RGB backlight that lights up whenever you move the mouse. However, this model isn’t all just looks. It’s a highly functional PC accessory that’s suited for both gaming and work-related tasks. 

10. Unleash your inner gamer with this oriental-inspired

Image credit: Shopee

Sometimes, the only thing that sets a group of s apart is their design. In that checkbox, Onikuma is certainly one brand that delivers. Its CW902 Gaming Mouse features an oriental-inspired design that is illuminated by bright LED backlights that come in a range of colours. 

Apart from its flashy looks, the CW902 also delivers in terms of performance. It featured seven programmable buttons, is lightweight for a , and comes with a design that goes easy on your palm and wrist. This makes it a good option for both work and play. 

Also read: 10 Tips to Maximise Your Work From Home Experience

Get clicking! 

And there you have it: The top 10 best computer mouses for gaming and for work from home. 

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About Author


Darren enjoys travelling, photography and good food. He loves cultural experiences and exciting adventures and is no stranger to travelling alone. When he's not putting his travel experiences into words, he's probably sitting behind his laptop, planning his upcoming adventure.

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