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9 Creepy Experiences in Malaysia, Singapore & Thailand

Over recent years, Halloween has seen a rise in popularity across the region. And in Malaysia and Singapore, where our diverse cultures have always been intertwined with tales of the dead, it’s actually pretty surprising that it hasn’t always been widely celebrated. But this is all changing! 

These days, late October comes alive with haunted houses, costume contests, themed parties, and spooky festivities for all ages. We’re starting to embrace what truly makes us spooky. And it’s really about time, isn’t it?

Thing is, Malaysia is a gold mine of ghost stories. Our rich, fascinating history is made all the more interesting because of the many cultures weaved together here. Our monsters, ghosts, and mythologies are layered, unique, and diverse – a reflection of the country and the region. 

Each year, as Halloween gets bigger and better, we’ve become ever more proud to show off our brilliant monster culture and unique nightmare fodder. And one thing is becoming clear: when it takes off, Halloween here will be like nowhere else in the world.

Here are some of the many creepy experiences you can enjoy in Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand!

1. Have a drink with the dead at the Deceased Bar (Kuala Lumpur)

Image Credit: The Deceased Bar

If your ideal Halloween involves spirits in more ways than one, this spookeasy bar in Chinatown has a grave seat with your name on it. With no sign visible from the street, you’d never suspect a macabre-themed bar laid behind the innocent-looking blue door. Buzz yourself in and walk (if you can) through the dark, narrow hallway ringing with the audio of Ju-On’s death rattle. 

Soon, you’ll find yourself at the surprisingly laid-back Deceased bar. Offering a variety of Malaysian ghost-themed cocktails, such as the Pontianak, Toyol, and Dukun, the Deceased is that perfect balance of charming and terrifying. Can you handle these spirits?

2. Participate in an interactive ghost story at Hauntu (Kuala Lumpur)

No kitschy haunted houses here. Why not get your heart actually racing with an immersive horror story that you can take part in? Hauntu is an interactive horror experience, where audience interaction influences how the story ends and whether they make it out dead or alive. 

Explore the post-Colonial era ‘Colle Eastern hotel,’ follow a host of strange characters, engage with them and their storylines, and unravel dark mysteries that span from the 50s to the 90s. Every three months, Hauntu changes its story, but the creators have confirmed that all the stories will be connected. Ever thought “Psh! I could get out of this!” in the middle of a horror movie? Now’s the chance to prove yourself!

Book your tickets here.

3. Chase real-life ghost stories on a guided ghost tour (Penang and Kuala Lumpur)

Malaysia’s history is incredibly rich – so it’s no wonder at all why there are haunted places everywhere. To quench your curiosity for the creepy, consider taking a ghost tour to marvel at the most haunted spots in the country. The most notable of these ghost tours are in Central Market (KL) and Georgetown (Penang) where a few hours with a guide will bring you face-to-face with the sites of bloodcurdling hauntings. Walk these dark streets if you dare!

Book for Kuala Lumpur here & Penang here.

4. Try and escape from a haunted house with Lost in JB & Lost in KL (Johor, Kuala Lumpur)

Image Credit: Lost in JB

Do you have what it takes to break out of a haunted house escape room? Malaysians in Johor and Kuala Lumpur can soon find out. Gather the ultimate team and test your problem-solving skills in a horror-themed arena, bound to set your teeth on edge with bone-chilling puzzles. Choose from a variety of scary stories each with its own twists and turns, from intriguing murder investigations to zombie-infestations. Will you make it out alive?

Book your tickets for Lost In JB here & Lost In KL here.

5, Revisit some of Malaysia’s most frightening folklore at the Ghost Museum (Penang) 

Image Credit: Penang Ghost Museum

Despite being a humble establishment, the Ghost Museum is a delightful funhouse of spooks – especially for those looking to delve deeper into Malaysian ghost lore. The museum takes you through a number of designed sets, each one featuring one of our fascinating ghosts and legends. While you may have heard about them before, there’s nothing like being within arms reach of one of our terrifying monsters. And rest assured, you can indeed snap photos and videos for the gram here.

6. Brick-or-Treat down Knock Knock Alley at Legoland (Johor)

Image Credit: Legoland Malaysia

Halloween doesn’t have to chill you to the bones! If you’re young at heart or looking for a lighthearted fright-fest to enjoy with your family, visit some friendly monsters at Legoland. Their annual Halloween event is filled with fun activities, games, and shows – and of course, the both spooky and adorable Knock Knock Alley, where each door holds either a trick or treat!

Book your tickets here.

7. Try and survive Singapore’s scariest escape rooms (Singapore)

Image Credit: XCape

When it comes to terrifying escape games, Xcape Singapore should be at the top of your list. Highly praised for their top-quality sets and props, this hi-tech escape game provider offers a variety of horror-themed immersive experiences to suit a range of terror tolerances. Whether it’s Annabelle that haunts your dreams, vampires, escaping from a morgue or Shutter Island, Xcape room has exactly what you need to make this Halloween season an unforgettable one.

Book your appointment here.

8. Slurp on black noodles at Bangkok’s creepiest mall, Mansion 7 (Thailand)

Image Credit: Mansion 7

If you want a shopping experience with a fun, dark twist, enter Mansion 7 – if you dare. This themed mall is shrouded in a dark legend about the mysterious death of the owner’s daughter. As the story goes, the owner carried out a variety of experiments and rituals to try to resurrect her after she died. Did he succeed? Peer into the mall’s Dark Mansion to find out. And if you still have your appetite, stroll through the Neglected Garden for some pad thai with black noodles or gorge on some black burgers. 

9. Enjoy an all-time horror classic at the Bangkok Screening Room (Thailand)

For some of us, a laid-back Halloween with a scary movie, popcorn, and good company are the way to go. If you’re in Bangkok, there’s no better place to do this than at the Bangkok Screening Room, an ‘alternative’ screening room devoted to supporting independent films. Every Halloween, you can rely on BKKSR  to get your heart racing with indie or classic favorites, from iconic films like Psycho to crazy slashers like Mandy. If you need to refuel after gripping the edge of your seat for two hours, then lucky you, there’s a restaurant and bar on-site. 

Whether it’s trick or treat, costume or no-costume, a comfortable spook or a bone-gripping nightmare, Halloween this year has something for everyone. And as for next year? Well, we may need 365 days to brace ourselves…


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About Author

Sara Jayasuriya

Sara is drawn to the weird side of travel: bizarre food, obscure and otherworldly locations, dark histories, and alien, offbeat beauty. She’s also a Harry Potter nerd (Slytherin house, of course) and a cheese fanatic with the uncontrollable urge to pet every single cat in sight.

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