想要趁着周末或公共假期在国内旅游, 但只能想到槟城极乐寺、 吉隆坡双峰塔、 热浪岛, 又觉得这些地方太主流、 人又多、 而且没新鲜感了吗? 今天,小编就要来向大家介绍一些马来西亚可媲美国外、 鲜为人知的冷门景点吧·!
The pandemic has certainly taught us to appreciate the many little blessings we have in life. We learned not to take for granted our health, our loved ones and certainly the great outdoors.
For most of us, the way we plan our travel has certainly changed, making us more inclined towards outdoor activities. Imagine feeling the gentle breeze of fresh air or the warm morning sun after a period of quarantine. Nothing feels more liberating than that! Hence, why not consider going on a biking tour? Here are six reasons why you should!
The health benefits of cycling have long been known. Cycling is a good total body cardio workout, engaging almost every group of our muscles. Besides its benefits to our physical well-being, cycling might be a balm to our mental health as well.
With the stress of everyday life and living in such times of uncertainty, we need to cater to our mental well-being as much. Cycling or any form of physical activity releases endorphins, our body’s very own feel-good substances, which in turn boost our spirits and enable us to live in the moment.
What’s more, we can bring our love for travelling into the picture while going on a cycling tour, a win-win situation.
I’m sure many of us are aware of the restoration of life and order in Mother Nature during the early phase of the pandemic or have seen documentaries depicting it. I certainly wouldn’t want to go back to those days but the Earth truly healed itself when humans are in lockdown, during which there were fewer human activities and cars on the road.
Cycling is a good way to reduce carbon emissions on Earth and conserve the environment of places you visit. By taking care of the ecosystem, all lifeforms will benefit from your kind effort.
With the current turn of world events, the prices of oil and gas have skyrocketed. There is no better time than now to rely on more cost-friendly travel alternatives.
While not everyone can afford an electric car, why not choose a more affordable alternative – bicycles! Convert your favourite nasi lemak or roti canai into fuel for moving your bike, it can save you a ton on petrol and medical bills.
Cycling exposes us to the great outdoors and enables us to soak in the sights, smells, and senses of the places we encounter during our journey or at our destination. The journey becomes an essential part of our travel experience.
Along our journey, we get to be up close and personal with the locals and witness with our bare eyes the landscapes, culture and architecture of a place. We can interact with the surrounding with all our senses.
Birds of a feather flock together. By joining group , you can meet people from all walks of life that share a common interest. Besides, you can group with your cycling buddies to form a convoy to discover new places together.
The pandemic has truly limited our interactions, while work and studies can easily cut us off from fostering new friendships with people of similar interests. Let’s take some time out of our routines to enjoy some healthy activities and foster new connections while going on our dream trip.
Many cycling rides are organized to support noble causes. For example, if you’re planning a trip to Borneo and wish to join a cycling ride, why not consider joining Cycle for Cancer 2022, an event organized by MMA (Malaysia Medical Association) to raise funds for MAKNA (Malaysian National Cancer Council)?
Brace yourself for a ride spanning more than 1100km across beautiful Borneo. You will get to enjoy picturesque sights and marvel at the natural wonders the island has to offer. You will also get to enjoy the time of your life while making a difference in the lives of cancer patients. Find out more here. Registration ends 31 May 2022!
Finally, let’s challenge ourselves in preparation for our next biking tour. As biking tours often cover long distances and can span days, let’s train ourselves for the ride ahead. For couch potatoes, do not despair.
Start with small steps like going on short bike tours around familiar surroundings or start a fitness routine, adding in some cycling. You will truly reap its benefits. For those avid cyclers out there, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and plan that biking tour you dream of and challenge your limits!
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想要趁着周末或公共假期在国内旅游, 但只能想到槟城极乐寺、 吉隆坡双峰塔、 热浪岛, 又觉得这些地方太主流、 人又多、 而且没新鲜感了吗? 今天,小编就要来向大家介绍一些马来西亚可媲美国外、 鲜为人知的冷门景点吧·!
山峦起伏的森美兰州, 有绿意盎然的美景, 成片成片的热带雨林在雨后更加翠绿, 空气更加新鲜! 这里绝大部分的民宿都以贴近自然为特色, 因此有些民宿甚至让你住进没有无线网络的鸟巢, 真实感受远离世俗和尘嚣的滋味。 今天小编推荐几座值得一去的森美兰民宿。 环境幽静空气新鲜的好地方, 千万不能错过!
觉得奶茶太贵, 而且嘴巴还有点馋? 你可能需要的不止是饮料, 而是甜品啦! 很多人听到甜品店都觉得价格肯定超贵, 可是甜点其实也可以很便宜的, 只是看你去哪里吃~ 这里推荐雪隆区必须去的打卡的甜品店, 重点是好吃又不贵, CP值超高, 绝对不会让你钱包大出血!
马来西亚第二阶段的行动管制令将于2020年4月1日 (星期三)开始, 当中就包括了几项新的规定和规则!
准备好跟 Glico man 拍照!