KFC Wants to Feature Your Words On Their Iconic Buckets!

KFC is arguably one of the most famous fast-food chains in Malaysia. From their deliciously crispy fried chicken (spicy ftw!) to their heartwarming festive ads, KFC is a household name that we all know and love. Many of us grew up with KFC as the go-to choice for special occasions like birthdays, and who can forget those sinfully savoury Cheezy Wedges? 

It’s safe to say that KFC is almost synonymous with Malaysian culture and their latest campaign will surely warm your heart!

From Malaysians to Malaysians

With Merdeka Day just around the corner, KFC Malaysia recently launched a campaign to spread positivity during these trying times. From now till 31 August 2021, Malaysians can submit words of encouragement to be added to KFC’s iconic chicken buckets! 

All you need to do is leave your message of positivity on their Facebook post or Twitter with the hashtag #BucketSemangatRakyat. At the end of the campaign, KFC Malaysia will select some of the best comments and feature them on their fried chicken buckets! 

Image credit: KFC Malaysia

Once the campaign is over, these one-of-a-kind buckets will then be auctioned off to avid Malaysian collectors! All proceeds will then be donated to Add Hope Malaysia, a charity organisation that’s dedicated to ending world hunger! 

Not only is KFC’s chicken finger lickin’ good, but they’re also doing a world of good too! 

In the spirit of Merdeka, now’s as good a time as any to spread positivity and unity! Will you be leaving a message of hope for this campaign? Share some with us too! 

Also read: How to Correctly Use A Covid-19 Self Test Kit

By Darren

Brand Managers!

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