想要趁着周末或公共假期在国内旅游, 但只能想到槟城极乐寺、 吉隆坡双峰塔、 热浪岛, 又觉得这些地方太主流、 人又多、 而且没新鲜感了吗? 今天,小编就要来向大家介绍一些马来西亚可媲美国外、 鲜为人知的冷门景点吧·!
Johoreans, rejoice! LEGOLAND Malaysia has just announced that they will be reopening their doors to travellers starting from 11 March! The popular resort and tourist hotspot will first reopen their hotel and SEA LIFE underwater attraction before welcoming guests back to their theme park and water park on 12 March 2021!
In order to help Malaysians make up for all that lost time, LEGOLAND Malaysia will also be launching some fantastic deals to help guests make the most of their visit! The most attractive deal is the Buy 1 Free 1 package that entitles visitors to a free ticket for every ticket purchased! That way, you can spend some quality time with your loved ones at half the cost! You can choose from a 1-Day Theme Park Ticket, a Daily Ticket that also includes SEA LIFE, or an all-in-one Day Ticket for all attractions! Excited? Click here for more details!
You wouldn’t want to miss a magical evening at SEA LIFE either! Featuring a delicious four-course meal, SEA LIFE is Malaysia’s first-ever underwater dining experience! Set in an ambient underwater setting, the experience allows you to savour delicious food whilst watching majestic marine creatures swim overhead. There are even Black Tip Reef Sharks and Zebra Sharks in the aquarium!
In addition, if you’re in the mood for a relaxing staycation, we’ve got good news for you too! Apart from the enticing theme park promotions, LEGOLAND Malaysia will also be offering fantastic stay packages in conjunction with their reopening! From just RM499, you can enjoy an awesome staycation with your family, breakfast included!
The local tourism industry has been gradually stirring from its slumber since late February. And, with interdistrict and interstate travel now allowed, now may be a good time to start dreaming of your next getaway! But remember, when travelling during this time, stay safe and keep to the SOPs!
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想要趁着周末或公共假期在国内旅游, 但只能想到槟城极乐寺、 吉隆坡双峰塔、 热浪岛, 又觉得这些地方太主流、 人又多、 而且没新鲜感了吗? 今天,小编就要来向大家介绍一些马来西亚可媲美国外、 鲜为人知的冷门景点吧·!
山峦起伏的森美兰州, 有绿意盎然的美景, 成片成片的热带雨林在雨后更加翠绿, 空气更加新鲜! 这里绝大部分的民宿都以贴近自然为特色, 因此有些民宿甚至让你住进没有无线网络的鸟巢, 真实感受远离世俗和尘嚣的滋味。 今天小编推荐几座值得一去的森美兰民宿。 环境幽静空气新鲜的好地方, 千万不能错过!
每年的跨年大集会, 除了有歌舞升平的好气象之外, 还会有各种烟花大会, 迎接2020的到来~ 为你推荐这些超吸睛的烟火会, 还不赶快带上你最亲爱的去欣赏这份免费的浪漫情怀?!
日本, 是亚洲一个神奇的旅游胜地。 但凡去过一次, 就会上瘾, 然后就会想要探索那里的春夏秋冬。 日本的冬季, 可以达到零下的温度, 甚至有很多越冷越受欢迎的景点。值得一提的是, 日本的冬季集浪漫、 萧条、 迷人为一身。 你也可以趁着冬季来到北海道滑雪, 或是泡一个美美的温泉! 无以伦比的旅行就此开始。
准备好跟 Glico man 拍照!
有 K-ETA 的旅客不必填写哦。