TripZilla Malaysia’s Pick: Top 10 Travel Blogs in Malaysia to Fuel Your Wanderlust

There’s a beautiful saying which says “travelling leaves you speechless, and then, it turns you into a storyteller”. Thanks to the dawn of budget airfare and a plethora of different modes of transport, travelling the world has never been easier! And with more and more Malaysians travelling on a regular basis, it’s no surprise that plenty of awesome Malaysia travel blogs have also emerged over the years.

Honest, fun, and engaging, these are TripZilla Malaysia’s picks for the top travel blogs in Malaysia. If you’re looking to fuel your wanderlust, then read on!

1. Faizal Fredley

Image credit: Faizal Fredley

You might not know it looking at him, but Faizal is actually an engineer by profession! However, he retired from the field when he was merely 26 and decided to pursue his dream of travelling the world. The rest as they say, is history. Posting regularly in Malay and English, Faizal provides plenty of useful reviews and travel guides in functional, easy-to-digest articles. In his free time, he also likes to enjoy Hollywood blockbusters.

2. Always Travelicious

Image credit: Always Travelicious

If you’ve ever wanted to know what it’s like to be a foreigner in Malaysia, then you’ll want to check out Always Travelicious. KJ (not Khairy Jamaluddin, although that would be an interesting travel blog) is originally from Taiwan but is currently based in Bolehland. An avid traveller, she has left her footprints in more than 20 countries and continues to churn out engaging itineraries and stories from her travels in English and Mandarin. Despite being a foreigner, her extensive archive of Malaysian content is fascinatingly on point!  

3. Luv Feelin

Image credit: LuvFeelin

Joan Goh is a passionate traveller and outdoor adventurer with over 11 years of experience in producing travel content. She has (literally) conquered many mountains including Mount Kinabalu, Mount Rinjani, and Fansipan among others! #travelgoals anyone? Joan posts mainly in Mandarin as that’s what she’s most comfortable with and what she feels enables her to convey her stories in the most sincere manner. Her nature photography is often on point and is definitely one to look out for if you’re an avid nature lover.

4. She Walks the World

Image credit: She Walks the World

Mynn Lee takes the age-old excuse of “I have no time to travel” and absolutely shreds it. Despite being full-time film producer, radio & TV host, emcee and occasional actress, she still finds time to travel the world and document them in her aptly named blog, She Walks the World. She shares her travel stories using different engaging styles of writing and even provides some helpful tips and hints to inspire other like-minded travellers. As they say, every journey begins with a single step!

5. Rambler and Wanderer

Image credit: Rambler and Wanderer

The first thing you’ll probably notice about Rambler and Wanderer is the immense quality of the photos. RaW, the enigmatic writer/photographer behind them, pays incredible attention to detail with his travel photography. The end result is this plethora of stunning shots that have undergone minimal editing! Apart from his award-winning photos, RaW also chronicles his travels around the world in easy-to-read articles, providing insightful reviews and telling compelling stories.

6. MalaysiaAsia

Image credit: MalaysiaAsia

David Hogan Jr., owner of the award-winning travel portal, Malaysia Asia, is one of the most influential travel bloggers in Malaysia. He shines a spotlight on the top places to visit in Malaysia and other Asian countries, inspiring travel with compelling storytelling and insightful travel tips. He’s also a proud birdwatcher and scuba diver, and even dedicates an entire section of his blog to helping others discover the best places to engage in these activities!

7. Pojiegraphy

Image credit: Pojiegraphy

The eponymous writer of Pojiegraphy has travelled far and wide and chronicles his passion for exploring new places in a wide variety of content in Malay and English. An avid photographer and journalism graduate, a typical post by Pojie combines fun, interesting writing and stunning photography that oozes wanderlust! To sum it all up, reading Pojiegraphy feels a bit like chatting with an old, witty friend, it’s engaging, fun, and informative.

8. Tey Cindy

Image credit: Tey Cindy

Also known as Cin City, Cindy travels the world in search of beauty and inspiration in daily life. Entertaining and easy to read, Cindy’s blog takes readers on a journey of discovery and invites them to view the world through her lens. Throw in the occasional pun and pop culture references and what you have is an enticing personality that’s hard to shake off. P.s., did you know that Cindy was actually the winner of of the online model-search reality show, Malaysian Dreamgirl in 2008? Not only does this lass travel, she does so in style!

9. The Tiny Wanderer

Image credit: The Tiny Wanderer

Kher Ying’s story as a budget backpacker for many years teaches us that determination and passion can take you anywhere. Her personal stories detailing the many fun and unique experiences she’s had on her travels are entertaining and absolutely a joy to read. Kher Ying tops off her travel stories with personal tips and refreshingly honest rants, providing a different perspective into life as a globetrotting digital nomad and writer. In fact, you might fall in love so much with the lifestyle that you’d want to start becoming a travel writer yourself!

10. Thatsofarah

Image credit: Thatsofarah

Farah is a champion of travelling locally, and gives Malaysia a refreshing voice through her blog, Thatsofarah.  She provides travel inspiration and highlights the best destinations and activities of each state in Malaysia for her followers, one post at a time. She also shares her passion for hiking with her personal stories and honest reviews of the top hiking locations in our country. Farah also travels abroad occasionally and documents her travels in reader-friendly posts that perfectly capture the essence of travel.

Writing your own travel stories

Were you surprised by any of our picks? Or maybe you didn’t know that there were so many amazing travel bloggers in our country? It’s safe to say that we often seek expert opinion when we’re planning our travels (Google is our best friend, after all), so it definitely won’t hurt to pay attention to these awesome blogs! Who knows? You might even be inspired to start your own blog to tell others your own travel stories! But until then, it’s time to pack our bags and head off on our next big adventure!

By Salmi

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