[BREAKING] MCO Extended Till April 28 in Malaysia

In a special address to the nation today (10 April 2020), Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin announced that the Movement Control Order (MCO) will be extended a further two weeks until 28 April 2020. 

This comes after advice from the Ministry of Health and experts from the medical field. However, PM Muhyiddin also acknowledged that after the first two phases of the MCO, the rate of COVID-19 infections in the country seems to have stabilized, given the decreased number of infections in the past few days. Malaysia’s rate of infection stands at 7%, a little less than the average 10% announced by the WHO. Fatality rate of COVID-19 in Malaysia, meanwhile, is at 1.6%, much lower than the 5.8% global death rate. 

Muhyiddin also announced that there were 220 recoveries against 118 new infections today. This is the third straight day in which the number of recoveries outnumbered the number of new infections. However, he cautioned Malaysians to remain ever vigilant and cautious. 

He also recorded his heartfelt appreciation to all Malaysians, medical frontliners, police, armed forces, NGOs and food delivery drivers. 

Speaking in regard to the MCO extension, he also noted that even after the order is lifted, there will be new SOPs in place to ensure there is no resurgence of the virus. One such guideline involved the idea of balik kampung during Ramadan. As it stands, Malaysians will not be allowed to return to their hometowns this year. 

In addition, the government will consider delaying the reopening of schools to ensure that students will not be put at risk of contracting the virus. However, Muhyiddin also mentioned that certain sectors will gradually be allowed to resume operations in stages but reiterated that strict SOPs will be in place.

Our prime minister ended his speech by reminding Malaysians to stay strong and that together, we can overcome this crisis and halt the spread of the virus. 

Editor’s note: We believe that more SOPs and guidelines will be announced in the coming few days in preparation for MCO Phase 3 and will dully keep everyone updated as soon as info becomes available. Stay safe everyone, #kitajagakita 

Also Read: Unpopular Opinion: I Don’t Care About The Covid-19 Numbers!

By Darren

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