Uncle Roger Meets Egg Fried Rice Lady in Hilarious Video

Finally, we’ve been blessed with the most epic crossover of 2020: Uncle Roger (Nigel Ng) x Egg Fried Rice Lady (Hersha Patel)! 

How this epic saga began

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past month or so, you’ve probably seen Uncle Roger’s infamous reaction video by now. But just to refresh your memory a bit, in early July, Uncle Roger posted a reaction video to a BBC Food episode where the host, Hersha Patel, attempted to teach viewers how to make a “simple, delicious” egg fried rice. 

She starts by boiling a cup of unwashed rice in water before later draining the half-cooked rice in a -gasp- colander! She continues by rinsing the rice to “wash off the extra starch”. As you can probably imagine, Uncle Roger had a right fit and his reaction video inevitably went viral, especially in Malaysia! 

After the sudden surge of attention, Uncle Roger met up with Patel, and the pair agreed to film a collaboration video to end what is probably 2020’s most amusing online feud. On Sunday 9 August 2020, the hilarious video finally premiered on Uncle Roger’s Youtube channel! 

Egg fried rice round 2!

Image credit: mrnigelng

As you might have expected, hilarity ensued from the very beginning. The amusing 11-minute video continues with Patel cooking Uncle Roger the same egg fried rice that he had reacted to in July. Even though she got Uncle Roger’s mark of approval this time round, that didn’t stop the Malaysian comedian from roasting her throughout the video. 

The video is filled with plenty of well-timed comical moments, including Uncle Roger jibing Patel for not having any garlic and for continuing to use a cup to measure the rice and water. But enough about hearing about it from us, watch the video in full here:

After Patel received so much flak online over her atrocious (and frankly, sinful) way of cooking rice, we’re glad that the saga came to an enlightening, lighthearted conclusion! Make sure to wash your rice and cook it the right way folks, or Uncle Roger might just roast you next! And remember, absolutely no colanders! 

Image credit: mrnigelng

Also read: 10 Common Myths About Weight Loss

By Darren

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