How to Volunteer at The 2024 Paris Olympics: A Guide For Malaysians

The 2020 Tokyo Olympics have come and gone, along with the joys, excitement, and (sometimes) anxiety with watching our Malaysian Olympians fight for glory. A word of congratulations to all our national heroes, especially Aaron Chia, Soh Wooi Yik, and Azizulhasni Awang for their stellar, medal-winning performances! 

Image credit: Ryunosuke Kikuno

With Tokyo 2020 behind us, it is now time to look forward to the next Olympics Games! In 2024, the sporting event of the summer will be held in the romantic city of Paris in France! While it’s still quite a ways from the start of the games, there is one thing that’s got plenty of Malaysians excited! 

Also read: Malaysia’s Most Memorable Moments at The 2020 Tokyo Olympics

Even though we are three years away, the official Paris 2024 Olympics website has already announced that they’ll be looking for 50,000 volunteers for the games and Malaysians will also be able to apply! 

Image credit: Soroush Karimi

To give you a slight idea of your “job scope”, volunteers at the Olympic games are ever-present at competition venues, training facilities, in the Olympic village, on public transport, and even in the stands. You’ll be in charge of escorting the athletes to their venues, guiding enthusiastic fans to their seats, and much more! 

What do you need to volunteer at the 2024 Paris Olympics?

For one, you need to be 18 years old and above. More importantly, you will need to be able to speak at least two or more languages. Obviously, this is great because Malaysians are known for being multilingual geniuses! This is because most of the time, you’ll be relied upon to provide language assistance! 

How to register as a volunteer at the 2024 Paris Olympics?

Before you jump at this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, you need to know that registration only officially begins in 2023. You’ll also need to attend trials in Paris before the games so expect to dedicate plenty of your time to the cause. 

Once registration opens, all you need to do is head to the official website and apply! Then begins the agonisingly long wait for finding out if you’re one of the lucky few to make it! 

Will you and your friends be volunteering at the Paris 2024 Olympics? Psst, you might just run into Lee Zii Jia or Pandelela if you’re lucky! 

By Darren

Brand Managers!

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